Why systems change ventures are the new dot com companies


The dot-com era built the world we know today. But VCs continue funding similar solutions, in the hope that they are the next Facebooks and Googles of the world. But as sure as the Earth does turn, what worked *then* will not work again.

That's because the basic infrastructure of the Internet age has already been built. What WILL work now? Let me expound...

Facebook was a template for social media.

Google was a template for search.

Hotmail was a template for email. Etc.

We need new templates for a new age.

What is the template for a fully integrated holistic, preventative, and financially and logistically accessible healthcare system?

What is the template for a fully value creating educational system that molds the adults of the future with critical thinking skills, empathy, and judicious knowledge creation in the age of AI? (not memorization or pretty much anything that worked in the past.)

What is the template for a fully transparent, democratized news and entertainment media that brings power back to the people?

What is the template for starting again to create trust-based community and friendship in the age of the dystopian version of social media?

Those are the questions investors and companies should be asking.

Simple technology infrastructure will NOT make it in the new era - but humanistic technology that actually functions to rebuild critical systems and touches lives, will.

Nilima Achwal